Here I am, photography and digital mapping, 2019.
Here I am
Stands next to the dome on the roof of an holy grave in the mountains, wrapped in a blanket and her hand outstretched- this is a digital mapping of a live sculptural presence.
The work ranges from photography, performance, and digital mapping, in which the artist becomes one unit with the space, as a kind of “above time” sculpture that takes place in digital space, and at the same time, deceiving the roles of pilgrimages ceremonies, and the positions of the dead and the living in them.
"The blue dome" on the roof of a tomb has become a hallmark of sacred burial structures in the Middle East. In Byzantine architecture, the construction of a dome over a muselum and religious buildings is also common, and to direct the movement of the pilgrims in the area, statues of human figures were built.
"Women of the tombs" are known in the Middle East as well as in North Africa as pilgrimages. They stay in the grave area for days and nights, for weeks and even months. The role of women in pilgrimage to the holy places is noticeable beyond their prayer ceremonies, they also perform specific actions called "vows", meals in honor of the Tzaddik, special clothing, and symbols that were taken from the grave structure itself or placed in it and also became sacred.
In the northern mountains, a virtue of mating is performed on the tomb's roof, in which women usually go around the dome seven times in a row.
"We came to the village (Amuka) and found there the tomb of Jonathan ben Uzziel, with a large tree on it. And the Ishmaelites bring oil on it and light a candle in his honor, vows are also made in his honor." (Journey to Palestine, Shmuel Bar Shimshon, 1210)